Have you ever finished packing all the "essentials", only to realize that you've packed too much? What if you could pack your essentials and still have room for more?
Going on a trip brings a lot of unknowns: what if you get sick and need medicine? Should you bring 6 or 7 outfits? Or, what if the weather unexpectedly gets colder when the weatherman forecasted 85 degrees? All these unanswered questions can make deciding what to pack a nightmare, and can leave your bag bursting at the seams!
With the PACK compression strap, you can fit twice as much into your backpack or carry-on luggage and truly minimize suitcase chaos.
That’s right - the PACK Gear Compression Strap literally cuts your PACK bag down in size by 55%
With the Compression Strap, you can bring all of those items that will help you feel at ease about your trip.
You shouldn’t have to choose between your red pumps and your black stilettos or your Bermuda shorts and your comfy sweats.
If you’re tired of trying to fit everything into a tiny carry-on, free up space with the compression strap so that you can truly maximize your limited packing space.
Hi, any plan to release compression straps that would fit the Large or XL model? Thanks